5 Ways Cycling Boosts Your Mental Wellbeing

Fettle | Monday 17th January 2022 11:47am

4 Tips to Prepare Your Bike for Winter

Fettle | Wednesday 17th November 2021 11:47am

Cycling in Rain

As the cold winter months draw in (apparently we just skipped autumn this year), there remains on the roads a set of hardy cyclists, undeterred by howling winds and frozen fingers. And if you’re thinking about joining them (a cracking idea by the way), you’ll be needing to get your two-wheeled steed prepped and ready.

Pedalling away from the Climate Crisis

Fettle | Tuesday 2nd November 2021 8:50am

It’s time for us all to take stock and do as much as we can to reduce our footprint.

We did it! Fettle raises £1.5million in successful crowdfunding round.

Fettle | Thursday 14th October 2021 9:46am

With 1075 of you having invested in the business, we’re beyond psyched that so many of you have decided to join us on the ride in bringing faff-free bike repair to everyone.