We did it! Fettle raises £1.5million in successful crowdfunding round.

Fettle | Thursday 14th October 2021 9:46am

AND THAT’S A WRAP! Holy mackerel we all did it! With our crowdfunding campaign complete, we’ve pulled down the shutters and put a big fat tick next to ‘successful crowdfunding campaign’! It’s all thanks to you that we’ve been able to reach this point. With 1075 of you having invested in the business, we’re beyond psyched that so many of you have decided to join us on the ride in bringing faff-free bike repair to everyone.

Whilst you may know you’re onto an absolute corker of a business, the ultimate test is whether the wider public agrees with you. With so many of you coming out in force to own your very own piece of fettle, there really is no greater compliment.

After crowdfunding £1.5m we’re ready to take fettle to the rest of the UK! We’ve been plotting and preparing our expansion outside of London, and now we’ve got the funds it’s time to hit the ground running! Getting up to 90 bike repair workshops in the next 5 years is going to be hard work, but we say BRING IT ON! The future’s looking bright. Watch this space!

Keep on riding,

Jeyda Heselton, co-founder Fettle.

Any facts, figures and prices shown in our blog articles are correct at time of publication.